Why Choose Us?2018-08-21T21:25:49+00:00
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Our process is hassle free for one main reason:  one on one attention.  We don’t have huge packets for you to fill out.  I ask for some financial documents (generally taxes and paycheck stubs) and then generally do your case by asking you questions.  Compare this to most attorneys who have you fill out long packets and have their assistants actually do your case.  Doing it this way accomplishes 2 main things:  (1)  it a makes it easy on you because you don’t have to spend hours on a packet; and (2) it allows me to be extremely familiar with your entire case allowing me to spot any issues before we file the case.  It is not uncommon for me to be able to do the case with our client during our initial consultation.

We have over 35 years of experience have handles thousands of cases.   We have seen it all and have experienced any and all issues that could come up in a case.  We routinely get referrals from other Bankruptcy attorneys in town to do more complex cases.  We go above and beyond and — just check out our case results here.

We offer a free and friendly consultation with an attorney.  The large firms in town generally have a dedicated “sales” person to do your consultations.  We will also give you a few minutes on the phone to go over your situation before you commit (we understand your time is valuable).

Our pricing is generally about $300 to $500 lower than our competitors.  Attorney fees for cases are public information that needs to be disclosed.  Our office routinely checks these fees to make sure we are lower.  We operate more efficiently and can charge less.  This goes hand in hand with what we said above under the “hassle free” tab.

We offer payment plans.  No case and no individual situations is the same.  You’ll need to contact us to get specifics on what we can do for you.

Check out our reviews to see what our past clients have to see about us!

Greg Arnove is Board Certified in Consumer Bankruptcy Law.  Only about 1% of attorneys in Texas are Board Certified in their area of practice.

No explanation necessary!   If you’ve made this far into the site and still are not convinced we are the right attorneys for your Bankruptcy then e-mail or call us.  I know practically every Bankruptcy Attorney in the area.  I’ll tell you who is great and who is … not so great.

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