William Collins2018-08-20T17:13:35+00:00
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Thanks for checking out our website and considering Collins & Arnove for your legal needs.  Let me tell you a little bit about myself.

My background is in business.  I was a business major at Texas A&M University and worked in the corporate world as an analyst at JCPenney for after I graduated from college.  I hated having to put in “face time” and didn’t like the politics of working for a large company.  Because of this I decided to either get my MBA or go to law school.  I decided on law school because I wanted a defined profession or skill set.

I went to Ohio State University Moritz College of Law.  The decision to go there was based on wanting to try living in a different state combined with getting a  small scholarship.  As I worked my way through law school I gravitated toward business classes including Bankruptcy law.  In my third year I attended a seminar where some Bankruptcy practitioners were talking about their practice area.  As I was listening, light bulbs starting going off in my head.  I knew that Bankruptcy law was what I wanted and needed to be doing.

After I graduated law school I moved back to Texas.  While studying for the Bar I immersed myself  in understanding more about Bankruptcy here in the Dallas area.  I looked for a job (but not very seriously).  Ultimately, I decided to open up my own practice (The Law Office of William J Collins PC and www.northtexasbankruptcy.com)  I’ve always had a business mindset and figured I could operate successfully right away.  My first year was 2009 and I filed about 65 cases.  Each year I continued to learn more and grow my practice.

In 2014 my partner Greg Arnove and I decided to join forces.  Greg had previously been the staff attorney for the Chapter 13 trustee and was looking to get back on the debtor side.  At that point we became Collins & Arnove P.C.  After partnering we continued to grow filing more more cases while at the same time streamlining processes.  We now file a large portion of the cases in the Eastern District of Texas (if we are not first in filings then we are pretty close).  We maintain this level of case load despite barely spending any money on advertising.

In my years of practicing law I’ve noticed that other attorneys don’t always do things in an efficient manner (this is partly why people don’t like attorneys).  I’ve made it a goal to set up procedures and processes to make filing a case easy on my clients.  This is why we say “we make becoming debt free is hassle free.”

My clients would describe me as a very direct and honest person who gives you all the information you need to make a decision.  I’m not a sales person but rather here to give you information and answers to allow you to make an informed decision.

On a personal note:  I’m a pretty laid back person who enjoys spending time with his wife and 2 dogs.  We live in Old East Dallas and enjoy going out to eat and to the movies.  We travel any time we get a chance (as you probably noticed from the pictures).  I also enjoy CrossFit (but my wife is kind of against it).

I’m here to help you so please reach out for more information or to set a free consultation.  You can call the main line at 817-888-8210 or press the contact us link from the website.  All inquiries from the website are returned by me personally.

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